Jaun, this is also us

Guetaag wòù - Hello there

Welcome to our Alpine world

Jaun, the only German-speaking village of La Gruyère district, is located at the foot of the Gastlosen mountain range. Our village is bustling with distinctive features, while located in the heart of unspoiled nature. As Jaun's villagers, we are known for our particularly charming and unique dialect - called Jaunerdütsch, and for our warm welcome to visitors. The Waterfall Hotel reflects those values and offers an entry point to the Alpine world. Here are a few of the activities you can enjoy in our area: hiking trails, bike rides, cross-country skiing, and ski slopes. Join us for an authentic adventure and let the Jaun magic happen.

We're looking forward to meeting you!

CO-Geschäftsleiteitung Hotel & Macherin

Antje Buchs

Housekeeping & Ruhepol

Christiane Buchs

CO-Geschäftsleitung Restauration & Naturliebhaberin

Daniela Mast

Frühstück & Langlauf- Expertin

Elisabeth Mooser

Frühstück & Skilehrerin

Eveline Remy

Service & Power- Mum

Franziska Schuwey

Frühstück & Fussballmutter

Heidi Meyer

Hauskeeping & Familienmensch

Käthi Rauber

Chef de Cuisine & Partygängerin

Linda Buchs

Küche & Zermatt-Fan

Ranijt Mooser

Housekeeping & Familienabenteurerin

Rita Rauber

Köchin & Landwirtin

Stephanie Mooser

CO-Geschäftsleitung Restauration & Gemeinderätin

Tanja Buchs

Auszubildende Köchin & unser Kücken

Zoé Barras

Frühstück& Treue Seele

Sylvia Julmy

Service & Lebensfroh

Pierrette Niederberger

Service & gut gelaunte Latina

Yvette Acuna

Frühstück& Hilfsbereit

Heidi Buchs

Become a real Jauner

May your sleep be peaceful

Well-being at the heart of the nature

Our hotel rooms are like gems to the eye. They are newly renovated, created with wood as a reminder of the alpine atmosphere of our area. Through our 6 themed rooms, you can travel through Jaun's traditions, with the mountain celebrations and customs for which we are known.




A fast sledge ride along the Gastlosen


Natural spectacle on the Gastlosen


Romantic timeout in the mountains

Denkfabrik mit viel frischer Bergluft für einen freien Kopf

Sommergefühle im Hotel Wasserfall

Kreative Ideen für deinen Winterurlaub


Ein renommiertes Konzerthaus mitten in den Bergen


Blick in die Vergangenheit


Per (E-)Bike gemütlich die Umgebung erkunden


Saftige Wiesen und würziger Käse – ein Tag auf dem Bauernhof

Shuttle service to Jaunpass

26.11.2024 20:00

Yoga - weekly class

14.02.2025 18:00


23.03.2025 11:00

End of Season 2025


A Gueta - Bon Appétit !

Carefully matured local products

Our culinary diversity and surroundings are of great importance to us, and it is that we want to share with you. We proudly honour our region's traditional products, and we do so in collaboration with local producers. It is with a great deal of sensitivity and attention to detail that Linda, our young chef, demonstrates her culinary skills.

Opening days

Betriebsferien ab dem 24. März bis 17. April 2025.
Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

Vacances du 24 mars jusqu’au 17 avril 2025.
Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.